
Happy new year

2011年12月28日 星期三
Happy New Year(A Song by ABBA) 祝大家新年快樂!
Happy New Year!

最近跟六年級小朋友介紹瑞典(Sweden)這個國家時,提到他們的國寶級合唱團 ABBA ,不過實在年代太過久遠,大多數人都沒有聽過他們,只有少數大概爸媽有聽老歌或看過 Mama Mia 這部電影的,才對他們有點印象。

ABBA 有一首1980 年出品,名叫 Happy New Year的經典歌曲,不但好聽,歌詞的意涵也發人省思。

Happy New Year – ABBA

No more champagne  香檳已喝完
And the fireworks are through 煙火已放盡
Here we are, me and you 在這裡,我和你
Feeling lost and feeling blue 失落又憂傷
It’s the end of the party 派對已結束
And the morning seems so grey 清晨看來如此灰暗
So unlike yesterday 完全不似昨夜
Now’s the time for us to say 現在是時候,我們該說

(Refrain 副歌)
Happy new year 新年快樂
Happy new year 新年快樂
May we all have a vision now and then 
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend 
Happy new year 新年快樂
Happy new year 新年快樂
May we all have our hopes, our will to try 
If we don’t, we might as well lay down and die 
You and I 你我皆然

Sometimes I see how the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives in the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool 是的,人類真愚昧
And he thinks he’ll be ok dragging on, feet of clay 
Never knowing he’s astray 渾然不知自己早已走上歧途
Keeps on going anyway 還是不顧一切繼續前行

(Refrain 副歌)

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before are all dead
Nothing more than confetti on the floor
It’s the end of a decade
In another ten years time




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  1. 按上述連結,再按”Play Now”,跳入App Store 下載《抓力全開》App
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有關其他教學,也歡迎查詢。 1週年祭,優先推出商城減價,機台減價,登入獎勵,無限練夾,無料收禮,全球寄送。抓力全開手遊抓劵新優惠
夾潮物 換百貨
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  • 接受渣打銀行過數(有興趣者PM我拿戶口號碼,入數後影底入數紙,再PM我就可以。)微信支付寳paypal payme 轉數快 TNG(wallet HK)加密貨幣 BTC ETH STELLAR USDC USDT DCR
  • 每次購買最低金額為HKD100
  • 每人可換多於一次
  • 如有異議,一切以本專頁決定為依歸。此為抓力全開專用之抓力券,面值為$100港元,使用此券前,請先按此下載抓力全開。 購買後會附上使用說明,請必須填上正確的電郵,否則將不會收到抓力券,而該抓力券亦不會補發.

Bye bye Dear players

Dear players,
Captain Claw and Catcha treasure every moment with you in the past five years. Thank you for your continuous support of Mighty Catcher. Mighty Catcher is expected to shut down the server on January 3, 2023 until further notice.

The following schedule and details :

  1. In-App Purchase and Subscription
    We’re discontinuing our subscription service on December 2, 2022, at 00:00 (GMT+8).
    The In-App purchase service will be suspended from 23:59 on December 18, 2022 (GMT+8).
    Players who have already bought Mcoins will not be affected. You can still log in and play the game until January 3, 2023.
  2. Delivery of prizes
    All prizes (including Mighty Shop order) must be sent out before 23:59 (GMT+8) on December 18, 2022, and no new orders will be accepted.
  3. XPTC
    You can still recycle your prizes to XPTC until 10:00 (GMT+8) January 3, 2023.
  4. Mcoin, Play ticket and Diamond Ticket
    All mcoins, play tickets, diamond tickets and game coupons can still be used before the game shuts down the server. Please consume the mcoins, play tickets, diamond tickets and game coupons you hold as soon as possible to avoid any loss.
  5. Appeal
    If the player has any objection to the game result, please appeal immediately. The last appeal acceptance deadline is 23:59 (GMT+8) on December 28. Appeals after that will not be accepted.
  6. Closing time
    Mighty Catcher will shut down the server at 10:00 (GMT+8) on January 3, 2023, after which players will no longer be able to enter the game or Mighty Shop.
  7. Problem report
    If players have any questions, please click on the in-game banner and use the inquiry form to contact our CS team.

Much appreciated for the kind support again and the mighty Catcher Team would like to send our best wishes to all our players.





所有獎品寄送及Mighty Shop 訂單均須於2022年12月18日23:59 (GMT+8) 前提交,此後不再受理新寄送訂單。

你的獎品於2023年1月3日10:00 (GMT+8)前仍然可以回收成XPTC 。


如玩家對遊戲結果有異議時,敬請立即申訴,最後申訴期限為12月28日23:59 (GMT+8) ,之後的申訴將不再受理。

《抓力全開》會於在2023年1月3日10:00 (GMT+8) 關閉伺服器,之後玩家將無法再進入遊戲或商城。





◆ 活動日期:2022/07/08 15:00 – 2022/07/17 23:59 (GMT+8)
◆ 獎品:抓抓樂賞 (內含3張夾夾遊玩券)

◆ 參加方法:

留言格式:遊戲ID: 0123456789,[貼上貼圖]


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輕鬆一夾就拉起抬起頭的跳跳虎!🐯站不穩的它最終也跌落洞中了😍~ 嘻嘻!簡單又好玩,齊齊夾走更多獎品吧!💪🏻

抓力全開 #抓娃娃 #夾公仔 #歡迎投稿 #玩賺 #BSC #gamefi #mobilegame

The impossible dream

To dream the impossible dream 
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when you arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star!
This is my quest to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far,
To fight for the right, without question or pause,
To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause!
And I know, If I’ll only be true, To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest, And the world will be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To fight the unbeatable foe 

To reach the unreachable star.